
Miller Engineering Staff Publications

Through the many publications we have authored and the multitude of projects we have undertaken over the years, a significant library has been established.  Projects involving similar topics allow us to be highly efficient in that even some very rare literature on topics already exists in our files. We invite you to contact us if you wish to have a more complete listing of these topics.

Books, Book Chapters, and Dissertations

Product Warnings, Labels, and Instructions

Warnings Effectiveness
Product Packaging and Instruction Communication
Warnings Design and Modeling
Product Labels and Instructions
Books and Dissertations on Warnings

Safety Analysis

Accident Reconstruction & Modeling
Fire Science and Flammable Vapor Ignitions
Child and Infant Safety
Household Products: Appliance, Tool, Furniture, & Chemical
Safety Methodologies & Knowledge Engineering

Vehicle Operator Analysis

All Terrain Vehicles (ATV’s)
Automobile Transporter Accidents
Climbing Systems
Disabled Drivers
Drivers Training and Expectancy
Visibility Research
Alcohol and Other Stressors

Vehicle Safety

Commercial and Industrial Vehicles
Trucks and Buses

Boating and Marine Applications

Boating Accidents
Boat Occupant Protection
Boat Operator Performance
Boat Operator Visibility

Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Engineering
OSHA Standards
Chemical/Toxic Exposures & MSDS
Workers Compensation
Work Measurement

Mechanical Design

Safety of Automated Machines and Robotics

Climbing Systems and Fall Prevention

Slip Resistance
Falls From Vehicles
Coefficient of Friction

Human Factors and Ergonomics

General Human Factors
Decision Making

Manufacturing Processes and Job Design

Work Measurement and Methods Engineering
Accomodation for Disabled Workers and Operators